The Seer Read online

Page 22

  Phantasm pointed to the blocked entrance, ‘This was no rock fall. One of those wretched Mages has cast a spell to trap us in here! I wonder how we break it –’ he stared at the rocks thoughtfully while Mistral continued to pace agitatedly around the small cave, struggling to keep her looming hysteria in check. ‘There’s something else,’ he said quickly.

  ‘What? A door?’ Mistral asked in a strained voice.

  ‘No ... another scent. Can’t you smell it?’

  Mistral shook her head impatiently, ‘I can only smell stale air and the stink of that damned spell.’

  ‘Well I can smell flowers. Roses to be precise.’

  ‘Great, so I’m going to die in a ready-made tomb that smells of flowers. Perfect!’

  ‘No Mistral, it means a love spell was used to seal this cave.’

  She stood still and stared at him, ‘A what?’

  ‘A love spell, Mistral. I think we’re dealing with two spells here. One to create the fall and a love spell to bind it.’ Phantom’s brows knitted together. ‘But ... why? Why?’

  Phantasm began to pace, his head bent in thought. Without the sound of his voice the cave was frighteningly quiet, like a tomb. Mistral closed her eyes and forced in a slow even breath, then another, and another, counting them out in an effort to control the claustrophobia threatening to engulf her.

  Phantasm suddenly clapped his hands together, ‘Oh, very clever!’

  ‘What?’ Mistral’s eyes jerked open, her heart pounding double-time again.

  ‘Those conniving Mages have set us up!’ He turned to face her, his green eyes glittering in the gloom. ‘This is important Mistral! I need you to focus now. Did you See anything odd in their thoughts today?’

  She frowned, ‘There was something … but they were both being very careful not to think of the specifics. I couldn’t See clearly ... Mage Powers definitely had some sort of plan, he kept laughing in his mind. It wasn’t good laughter ... it was ... oh, I don’t know ... evil –’

  ‘Mistral?’ Phantasm was looking at her closely. ‘Listen to me now. Stay focussed. There’s more to this than Mage Powers trying to trap us. He’s got a reason for using a love spell to bind the rock fall, and we need to know what it is.’ He paused, studying her carefully. ‘I need you to See into Mage Powers’ mind. Can you do that?’

  Mistral drew in a shaky breath and nodded. Closing her eyes she let go of her fear, emptying her mind with the slow breath she exhaled. Her heart steadied and her shoulders dropped, she was utterly still save for the shallow rise and fall of her chest. Only when she was completely calm did she begin to work, forcing her mind to paint a portrait in painstaking detail; capturing the gleam in his beady eyes, the sallow tinged skin, the meanness of his downturned mouth ... and suddenly she was face to face with Mage Powers. She let his face fill her vision, seeing him, Seeing him …

  ‘Powers,’ her eyes slid out of focus as she breathed his name. ‘He is filled with savage joy. He is laughing at Fabian … telling him he has cast a spell that can only be broken by love. He is so proud of himself! He has weaved a spell that will force the wife of Mage De Winter into the arms of another man … love or die of starvation he says … he believes Fabian will be overcome with jealousy and kill you –’

  Phantasm exhaled in a soft hiss, ‘Will he?’

  ‘I –’ Mistral frowned, her eyes moved unseeingly across the cave. ‘I can’t See! He won’t ... I can’t ... See Fabian –’

  ‘Mistral? Are you lying to me?’

  ‘No … it’s Fabian. His mind ... it’s completely empty … like, oh! Like –’

  ‘Like when he’s about to kill someone.’ Phantasm muttered grimly. He suddenly looked into Mistral’s oddly blank eyes, his voice dropping to an urgent whisper. ‘Mistral? Can you hear me? Mage Powers is the key to this! He can break this spell! Tell me what he’s thinking Mistral! Can Mage De Winter force him to break the spell?’

  Mistral closed her eyes, breaking the connection with her Mage to seek out Powers again. Giving a long drawn out sigh she opened her eyes slowly and gazed unseeingly at Phantasm. ‘Mage Powers … he is filled with triumph! He is content to forfeit his own life knowing he has struck a valid blow for the cause … ah! There … the cause … I See the thoughts he has concealed from me all day … he is a Rochforte … Etienne is his mother’s cousin … they have conspired to rid the Council of Mage Grapple … he sees a future with the Isle under Rochforte rule … and I … I am just an obstacle to be removed … no more than an assassin’s … No!’ She abruptly stopped and stared, eyes wide with fear but unfocussed, still inside Mage Powers’ mind.

  ‘What is it? Phantasm hissed urgently. ‘What do you See?’

  ‘I – oh! He has such hatred! He is telling Fabian that he has made his wife no better than a – a –’

  Phantasm groaned quietly, ‘He hasn’t called you that word has he?’

  ‘Oh!’ Mistral jerked violently and clutched a hand to her throat, her eyes wide and staring. She began to make choking noises, bubbles of moisture breaking against her trembling lips.

  ‘Mistral!’ Phantasm snatched her hands away, staring in confusion at the unblemished skin. ‘What’s happening to you?’

  She released a long rattling breath then slumped lifelessly against him.

  ‘Mistral! Look at me!’ Phantasm grasped her shoulders, his panic-filled shout reverberating off the walls. ‘Come back to me!’

  But Mistral didn’t hear him. Her eyes had rolled back into disturbing slithers of white. Phantasm swore and starting to shake her, shouting her name frantically, over and over as though the sound alone could defeat death.

  Her eyes abruptly flew open, blazing with familiar life-bursting, anger, ‘What the hell do you think you’re doing?’

  ‘You scared me!’ He exclaimed and released her. ‘I thought you were dead!’

  Mistral touched a hand tentatively to her throat, ‘Not me, Mage Powers.’

  Phantasm cursed angrily, ‘That’s unfortunate for Mage Powers, but also for us. Now our only hope of getting out of here is Mage Silver – unless of course, your Mage would consider embracing the Craft in order to save your life?’

  Mistral shook her head distractedly, staring at the blocked entrance again, ‘He’d do anything right now, but it wouldn’t work. I know what spell was used now. Powers and Silver are cousins. They share blood. The spell they cast together was a binding spell – a love spell. It can only be broken by the Mages who cast it ... or,’ she looked at Phantasm, ‘by us.’

  ‘But Powers is dead!’

  ‘Which makes Silver useless. I know.’ Mistral shivered and looked up at the cave roof. ‘I need to get out of here!’

  ‘Stay with me Mistral!’ Phantasm quickly cast around for something to distract her. ‘Tell me what Silver is doing!’

  ‘Silver –’ the name fell from her lips in a sibilant whisper, her eyes becoming vague once more. ‘I See him … Grendel is holding him … your brother is questioning him … he is furious … now Fabian is there … but Silver is refusing to release us, he says he cannot … that the spell was jointly cast and can only be undone by them both … Fabian is shouting at him … Silver is shouting back … he is outraged at being held by Grendel, he is demanding to be released … making threats … hah!’


  Mistral laughed, the pealing sound verging on hysteria, ‘He is trying to cast on Grendel … it is making Grendel angry ... so angry –’

  ‘Not a good move.’ Phantom muttered, watching her tensely.

  ‘His spells are having no effect … but Grendel … his face! Such fury! He scares Silver … he is going to cast again! Oh ... No ... please ... NO! Brother! Catch me! I’m falling –’

  ‘Oh not again!’ Phantasm leapt forward and took hold of her by the shoulders, staring anxiously into her unfocused eyes. ‘Mistral! Come back! Let go of his mind! See me Mistral! See me!’

  Mistral shuddered and closed her eyes, her voice barely above a whisper, ‘It�
��s cold … so cold –’

  ‘I’m here. It’s warm. I’m here.’ Phantasm wrapped both arms tightly around her slumped body. ‘Don’t you dare die on me Mistral! Don’t leave me in this damned cave alone! Come back! Do you hear me you stupid, stubborn woman? Come back!’ Mistral drew in a ragged breath and Phantasm could have kissed her. ‘Where are you?’ He whispered desperately.

  ‘Stuck in a cave with you, where do you think I am?’ She muttered and struggled from his arms.

  He heaved a sigh of relief, ‘You’re back.’

  Mistral looked away, gazing into nothingness with haunted eyes, ‘Well. That was an experience.’

  ‘To be inside the mind of the dying twice in one day? Terrifying I should imagine.’

  Mistral continued to gaze unseeingly into her memory, ‘Grendel lost his temper, he threw Silver … I Saw through his eyes as he fell, the rocks, the sky … I heard his last thoughts –’

  ‘Anything profound?’ Phantasm enquired lightly.

  Mistral gave a hollow laugh, ‘He owes money in taxes.’

  ‘He did owe money in taxes.’ Phantasm corrected then frowned. ‘So Powers and Silver are dead. And now we have to break their spell on our own.’

  Mistral quickly backed away from him, ‘And just how are we going to do that?’

  ‘It’s a love spell Mistral. What do you think?’

  ‘I think I’d rather die!’ Mistral yanked one of her swords out and waved it at him.

  Phantasm smiled at her reaction, ‘Calm down Mistral. I’ve been thinking about this. I don’t think we’re going to have to act out a love scene to break the spell.’

  ‘Thank heavens for that!’ Mistral sheathed her sword again. ‘Seeing into the minds of two dying Mages was quite enough horror for one day.’

  ‘Thank you for the compliment.’

  ‘Oh brother, you know what I mean. Fabian is ... I could never... let’s just say it couldn’t happen.’

  Phantasm gave a short laugh, ‘Even if we pretended I was Mage De Winter it probably wouldn’t break the spell. We need to express genuine emotion, not a forced imitation of love.’

  Mistral inhaled sharply. She could feel Fabian’s desperation to reach her, his panic reigniting her previous claustrophobia. ‘I need to get out of here!’ She stared around wildly at the low roof and jumbled mass of rocks blocking their exit.

  Phantasm stepped forward and caught hold of her trembling hands, holding them firmly in his own, willing her to look at him, ‘Mistral, focus on me. See me, not your Mage. Forget our surroundings. Just look at me.’

  She forced herself to look into his eyes, concentrating on the ocean of calm that lay there until she felt her breathing slow. Gradually her panic subsided enough for her to push Fabian’s thoughts from her mind, allowing her to think rationally again.


  She nodded, her eyes not leaving his.

  ‘Good. Now, if I remember rightly from our lessons with Master Nox, love spells are sensory. Words are not effective on their own; it is the intention with which they are spoken that will break the barrier that has been created.’

  ‘So, I need to think of … love?’ Mistral asked, feeling embarrassed.

  Phantasm held her gaze steadily, ‘Yes. I appreciate how uncomfortable this is going to make you feel but you must focus. This needs to be about me as we are the intended recipients of the spell.’

  Mistral blinked, ‘You? And ... love?’

  Phantasm continued to hold her gaze with his own, utterly sincere and completely calm, ‘Yes.’

  ‘Sorry brother. I can’t think about you like that.’

  ‘Yes you can.’ Phantasm said firmly. ‘You love my brother and I, don’t you?’


  Phantasm sighed, ‘We are your brothers Mistral. You love us as your brothers.’

  ‘Oh right! Well, yes, of course!’ She looked at him unhappily. ‘I don’t have to say it do I?’

  ‘Have you been listening to me? Words are not the answer here!’ Phantasm held her hands more tightly. ‘Do you remember your interview with the Divinus at the end of our first year of training?’

  Mistral nodded. The Divinus had spoken to her about the Sight and her unwillingness to embrace it … and he had also spoken about love. ‘He said there were many different kinds of love, and that I had to learn all about each of them in order for my soul to grow, or something like that.’

  Phantasm smiled softly, ‘Which is precisely why Mage Powers’ attempt to goad Mage De Winter into killing me out of jealousy will fail.’

  ‘It will?’

  ‘Yes Mistral, it will. Not all love is of the nature that you two share.’

  ‘So, how do we break the spell then?’ Mistral asked in a puzzled voice.

  ‘Tell me something you love about me.’ Phantasm said simply. ‘And my brother too, if that helps.’

  Mistral’s face creased in thought. She loved the twins didn’t she? Of course she did. For their loyalty and friendship, and also for their unwavering belief in her ability to master a gift even she doubted was within her power ... but was that love? Or just gratitude? She thought harder, trying to think of something about them that was born purely of love.

  She looked up, her grin lighting the dark cave, ‘I love it when you put my boots by the fire at night. They’re always really warm in the morning. You don’t have to do it, but you do, and that’s what matters.’ She frowned suddenly, her grin fading. ‘But I don’t know what you’re going to find to love about me brother … I’ve been nothing but trouble to you both since the day you met me.’

  Phantasm smiled and looked down their held hands, interlacing their fingers so they were locked together tightly, ‘Trouble, yes. I love the fact that you are trouble, but I love more that you are a terrible liar. It’s really quite charming and very amusing.’

  The sounds of rocks being thrown made them both turn to look at the blocked entrance. Mistral cried out with joy and flung herself at the mass of rocks, throwing them aside in her frantic scrabble to clear a hole. ‘It’s broken! Quick, get shifting these damned rocks!’

  ‘Mistral!’ Fabian’s muffled shout sounded through the pile of rocks.

  ‘It’s alright Fabian! I’m here! We’re both here and we’re fine!’ She shouted back.

  ‘Please remember to tell him that we didn’t have to kiss.’ Phantasm muttered quickly and began to help move the rocks.

  A chink of light pierced through the tumbled rocks, Mistral stopped throwing rocks to breathe in the gust of cold fresh air that blew through.

  ‘Nearly there.’ Phantasm murmured soothingly. ‘I must confess, apart from the glaring oversight of thinking that only a physical demonstration of love would break the spell, Mage Powers was quite astute in his choice of location. Being trapped in a cave would have sent you crazy before too long. How did he know you are claustrophobic?’

  ‘I’m not!’ Mistral retorted then met his amused look and sighed. ‘Oh, I know, terrible liar. You’re right; I am a bit unnerved by enclosed spaces. How did you know?’

  ‘It’s obvious Mistral! You hate to be touched, apart from by Mage De Winter of course, you can’t stand to be confined to one place for any length of time and you sleep with the window open all year round! I’m actually quite impressed that you manage to wear a wedding band on your finger!’

  Mistral glanced down at the white gold gleam on her dirty finger, ‘It did feel a bit restrictive at first, but it means a lot to Fabian. It was his mother’s you see ... anyway, I’ve got used to it now.’

  ‘Well I never.’ Phantasm smiled to himself and hefted a rock over his shoulder. ‘The most selfish person on the Isle has learned the art of compromise.’

  ‘Want a compromising slap brother? Only I’m sure that I could find the time once I’ve dug us out of here with my bare hands!’

  The sound of Grendel dragging large boulders out of the way made them both redouble their efforts to move the rocks. They were nearly free. They watche
d eagerly as the patch of light grew larger until it was suddenly blotted out by Phantom’s face. ‘Anyone order a rescue party?’ He enquired with a grin.

  ‘Oh brother! Am I pleased to see you!’ Mistral cried, reaching her arms out so that he could pull her, blinking into the bright sunlight to see the anguished face of her Mage, his arms reaching for her. ‘Fabian!’ At once his arms were around her in a crushing embrace. She closed her eyes and savoured his warm scent, letting his thoughts pour into her mind in a rush of relief, love and sadness. ‘Oh no, no, no,’ she whispered quickly. ‘There’s nothing to regret! We broke the spell because the twins put my boots by the fire at night and I can’t lie.’

  Fabian sighed so quietly that Mistral only felt the movement of his chest rising and falling, ‘It would not have mattered.’

  Mistral drew away from him, ‘Er, thank you, but I think it would have mattered to me! Apart from Cirrus and Prospero, I’ve never kissed another living soul but you in my life.’

  He frowned seriously, ‘I consider myself honoured to be included in such a prestigious list.’

  ‘Actually, you’re at the top,’ she corrected, turning her face up to kiss him.

  ‘Brother –’


  The twins greeted each other with typical reserve until Phantom grinned broadly, ‘I thought I was going to be an only twin for a while there. ’

  Phantasm laughed and shook his head, ‘You couldn’t be so fortunate brother.’

  ‘Well now we’ve got rid of the babysitters there’ll be no problem with being able to talk freely again!’ Phantom declared brightly. ‘Did you manage to get a good read on both of them Mistral?’

  A vision of spinning sky and rocks filled Mistral’s mind, she shut it out with an effort and looked at Fabian, ‘Powers was a Rochforte. Etienne is his mother’s cousin. I only Saw the truth when we were already trapped, or I would have warned you earlier. They’re both staunch supporters of the Rochforte cause and would do anything to see an Isle under Rochforte rule. They’d been planning this since Mage Pickering reported evidence of troll activity near the dragon herd territory. Powers was going to recommend that I, as official party leader, investigated any caves we found. He thought that if he could trap me and one of the twins with a spell that could only be broken by love then you would be provoked into a jealous fury and –’ Mistral hesitated, unable to bring herself to say the words, ‘– and break the Gemini gift,’ she finished quietly. ‘Or if we didn’t break the spell, then we would’ve simply died in there.’