The Seer Read online

Page 6

  Mistral nodded. She recalled the twins’ story of their mother’s remarriage. It had left them both deeply embittered. ‘Of course I’ll read him, but please point him out clearly to me or I could waste time in a lot of different minds for absolutely no reason at all tonight.’

  ‘And that would be so unlike you wouldn’t it? To be in several different minds at once!’ Phantom muttered, taking a long drink from his wine.

  Mistral pulled a face at him and quickly composed herself again when she caught the reproving look on Phantasm’s face.

  ‘So we’re agreed on the code? Just reverse the Ri’s one?’ Phantasm asked briskly.

  ‘Yes, but where are we going to be seated?’ Mistral asked anxiously. ‘Will we be able to see each other clearly enough?’

  Phantom rolled his eyes, ‘Oh get this, Master Sphinx wants us sat beside him. Show of power or what?’

  ‘You had better be sat between us then Mistral, so we can both watch your hands clearly.’

  Fabian drained his goblet and placed it onto the mantelpiece beside her untouched drink, ‘If Leo wants to see you before the banquet begins we must go now.’ He walked over to collect her velvet cloak from the sofa, holding it out for her to put on.

  Mistral sighed heavily and slipped the cloak on, nearly tripping over her dress again on the way to the door. The twins and Fabian regarded her thoughtfully while she negotiated the steps down into the street with painful slowness.

  ‘I think the banquet may have actually finished by the time we get there.’ Phantom muttered. ‘Can’t we just put her on wheels or something?’

  Smiling, Fabian threw his own cloak on and strode swiftly after Mistral, sweeping her into his arms, ‘I think this would be a safer mode of travel for you tonight.’

  ‘I hope for your sake Leo isn’t meeting us in his tower room,’ she murmured, gazing blissfully up at Fabian while he carried up to the Entrance Hall.

  ‘Master Shacklock’s office actually.’ Phantasm replied, running lightly up the steps behind them.

  ‘Now, do you think you can walk there without falling?’ Fabian asked politely.

  ‘She can walk.’ Phantasm said firmly. ‘She needs the practise because I’m certainly not carrying her into the Main Hall … and she’d better not fall over and embarrass us all!’

  ‘Home tomorrow.’ Mistral whispered when Fabian threw Phantasm a black look.

  Phantasm knocked on the door to the Contract Officer’s small office while Fabian kissed Mistral and strode off towards the Main Hall. She watched him go, feeling suddenly nervous again. The door opened to reveal the cold unemotional features of Leo Sphinx. He stepped back to allow them to enter the office. Mistral tried not to look at him, she didn’t want to see his aura or hear his thoughts ... especially not if they were about the way she was dressed. However, she needn’t have worried; Leo was typically straight down to business.

  ‘Tell me what you Saw today.’

  While Mistral repeated what she had Seen in the minds of Bellicose La Monte and Malachi Nox during the funeral, she was forced to look at him. She flinched as their eyes met and his thoughts instantly flooded her mind, cold and soulless. How could Fabian say they were essentially the same? They were nothing alike! She made a conscious effort to block out his thoughts and was surprised to find that they immediately faded from her mind, leaving just the usual patter coming from the twins. Leo listened carefully while she spoke. His blue eyes narrowed at Malachi’s desire to be the next Divinus but did not interrupt her. A silence fell when Mistral finished speaking and Leo turned away, pacing across the room with his head bowed in thought.

  ‘How easily can you hear my thoughts,’ he demanded, turning abruptly to face her.

  Mistral hesitated, unsure of how to respond. She was certain he would be severely displeased to hear that she could hear him easily … too easily for comfort in fact. ‘Er, what do you mean exactly?’

  Leo glared impatiently at her, ‘Let’s start with the basics shall we? Do you need eye contact to hear them or not?’

  ‘No,’ she admitted reluctantly.


  Mistral felt the twins echo her surprise. Leo was glad that she could hear his every unspoken word?

  ‘But I can choose not to,’ she added quickly. ‘Which I have, by the way.’

  Leo raised an eyebrow, ‘Thank you, however, that will not be necessary. I actually wish for you to listen to my thoughts for the entire duration of the banquet so that I can give you any instructions.’

  Oh fantastic, Mistral thought. Bellicose, Malachi and now Leo … all she needed now for a really fun evening was for him to ask to her to read –

  ‘And I want you to constantly monitor Mycroft’s thoughts.’

  Mycroft, Mistral finished in her mind just as Leo spoke his name. Great, now she had the full set of bloodthirsty vampire, his bitter and twisted son, an over-ambitious brother-in-law and the Isle’s most boring windbag to thrill her with their thoughts all evening.

  ‘He has been drinking heavily all day.’ Leo continued, oblivious to her dismayed expression. ‘I think his temporary elevated status has gone to his head. I need to make sure that he doesn’t speak out of turn and cause any offense. Should you hear anything of such a nature in his thoughts, direct the Gemini to use their gift on him. Have you worked out a code to use yet?’

  ‘Yes Master Sphinx.’ Phantasm responded promptly. ‘We will reverse the Ri’s code.’

  Leo nodded his approval, ‘I wish you to follow me into the banquet tonight and assume seats beside me. It is important that Mage Grapple sees that I, and not Malachi; have your allegiance.’

  Oh, he is so up his own –

  Mistral coughed loudly to hide a laugh at Phantom’s thought.

  Leo eyed her coldly, ‘You may have put on a dress Mistral, and I suppose I should be relieved that you’re not looking like a scarecrow for once. But I would also like you to behave with a little more dignity that you normally do.’

  Mistral nodded and tried to look sincere but Phantom’s thoughts were making her want to smile again. He was imitating Leo’s voice in his head, knowing it would make her laugh.

  Leo glanced distractedly at the clock on the wall, ‘Mage Grapple has presented me with a schedule of Council meetings he wishes to Contract you to attend … however, there’s not enough time to go through them right now. We must go. Leave your cloaks here, you can retrieve them later.’

  Mistral took the opportunity to give Phantom a furious look while she laid her cloak over Gleacher’s desk, ‘Stop trying to get me in trouble!’ she hissed.

  ‘No you don’t need any help in that department do you?’ He whispered back with a grin.

  ‘I think we’re meant to be following now.’ Phantasm interrupted crisply, stepping up beside Mistral.

  ‘Now, do you think you can walk in that dress yet or would you like to be dragged?’ Phantom enquired with a smirk.

  Mistral swore at him and Leo turned sharply, fixing her with a glacial look, ‘That is completely inappropriate! Do not embarrass me during this banquet Mistral!’

  ‘Sorry. Won’t happen again.’

  Leo continued to glare icily at her then abruptly turned and strode away down the corridor.

  Mistral immediately rounded on Phantasm, ‘If you don’t stop your wretched brother from annoying me I’m going to start calling you both by your real names!’

  Phantasm rolled his eyes and gave his twin a warning look, ‘Please don’t wind her up tonight! For once, can you two please behave with some decorum and not bicker like schoolchildren?’

  A mutinous look crossed Phantom’s face but Mistral could hear his thoughts and knew that this, their long awaited for moment of victory, was as important to him as it was to his brother. They walked on in silence behind Leo. Mistral was concentrating so hard on successfully putting one foot in front of other that at first she didn’t recognise the gentle humming sound for what it was; a multitude of voices all talking at once. Leo pau
sed in the arched doorway of the Main Hall, his blue eyes raking the room with deliberate importance. Mistral and the twins waited silently behind him all sharing the same thought.

  Drama queen …

  Mistral caught a glimpse of the room when Leo strode forwards and felt a wave of panic crash over her. A fire was blazing in the huge fireplace at the far end of the Main Hall, casting warmth and light over a crowd of at least a hundred people. Mage Councillors wearing garish flowing robes, bearded Arcane chieftains, wary-eyed Ri ... and every single one of them fell silent and looked over as she and the twins stepped into the room.

  Keep your head up!

  Phantasm’s snapped instruction pierced the fog of fear surrounding her brain. She jerked her chin up and stared blindly at the sea of curious faces, desperately seeking the one, the only one, that would enable her to keep moving ... Fabian’s dark gaze drew her own with mesmerising force, his thoughts bursting into her mind in a profusion of pride and joy. She kept her gaze locked on his, seeing nothing but the wild exultation on his face. Filled by the love that flowed from him in an irrepressible wave, her feet seemed to glide across the floor of their own volition, keeping pace perfectly with the twins. Their triumphant thoughts filtered into hers; background music to the glorious song of Fabian’s joy.

  ‘Ah-ha!’ Mycroft’s ponderous laugh boomed out in the sudden hush that had fallen. ‘Mage, Arcane and fellow Ri! Allow me to formally introduce you to the Gemini and the new Seer to the Ri!’

  Leo stepped aside, leaving Mistral and the twins facing the appraising stares of the gathered crowd.

  Keep your head up and look back at them!

  But Mistral didn’t need Phantasm’s encouragement. She met every stare coolly, her mind full of Fabian’s unwavering belief.

  ‘We salute the Gemini and the new Seer!’

  Imperato’s deep voice rang from the heavy shadows by the side of the fire. Mistral lifted her eyes to meet his profound gaze and his thoughts instantly surged into her mind … he was fiercely proud at her achievement. She was momentarily perplexed by both his reaction and how easily she had heard his thoughts, but there was no time to consider the puzzle. A sea of people converged on them, all applauding loudly and heralding the Gemini and the new Seer ... the dawn of a new era.

  Assured by the presence of the twins on either side of her and Fabian’s silent love, Mistral remained calm while an endless procession of tribal chieftains, foreign delegates and high-ranking Councillors appeared before her. All were eager to greet the Gemini and the new Seer, their congratulations followed by furtively whispered requests for them to agree to accept the work they offered above other Contracts. Mistral felt her eyes glaze over. She smiled and nodded to each face, not even bothering to listen any more. Suddenly a shard of ice slipped into her mind, piercing through the warm haze of Fabian’s thoughts.

  Have Mycroft stop drinking … now!

  Mistral blinked, the yarthkin chieftain before her gazed at her expectantly with brown eyes so reminiscent of Saul that her heart gave a painful lurch. She realised that it hadn’t been his voice but Leo’s thought, recalling her to her duties.

  ‘Of course,’ she murmured politely to the chieftain with absolutely no idea of what he’d been asking her.

  He nodded and smiled gratefully, moving away. She immediately nudged the twins. Drawing their attention to her hands, she quickly signalled left and gave the signal for fire. She could hear in their thoughts that they both instantly knew to make Mycroft, stood on their right, wish to drink water. Their gazes locked and Mycroft’s voice boomed across the room again, calling for water. The twins smiled and returned their attention to the Councillor before them.

  ‘Of course Mage Fawcette480

  .’ Phantasm murmured quietly. ‘We would be honoured.’

  After that brief interlude the endless flow of petitions, empty platitudes and obsequious requests continued. Mistral could hear the twins’ sense of triumph fading, reflecting her own growing boredom.

  If I hear another request to make their wives leave them I’m going to scream!

  Mistral hid a smile at Phantom’s anguished thought. She didn’t even bother to listen to the requests made of her, but had merely nodded and smiled politely, focussing instead on the thoughts of her Mage.

  ‘Ah! At last! Arcanes, Mages, Ri … friends! It is time for the banquet!’

  Mycroft’s enthusiastic announcement of the start of the banquet was met with a deep sigh of relief from Mistral and the twins.

  ‘Oh my life!’ Phantom muttered. ‘I think my ears are actually bleeding! I’ve never heard such pathetic drivel in all my life!’

  ‘Brother!’ Phantasm warned sharply.

  Mistral smiled and fell in step between them to walk across to take their seats at the table. As they passed the long mullioned windows overlooking the Western Range she paused. Night had fallen. Cold light from the stars illuminated the snow-filled Valley in a soft glow. A thin stream of smoke spiralled up from the dying embers of the Divinus’ funeral pyre. Mistral watched the slender curl slowly evaporate; the Divinus, leaving the Valley for the last time. She started slightly at the cool touch of Phantasm’s hand, drawing her attention back to the banquet. Giving one last glance out of the window, Mistral turned away to begin her night’s work.

  The first year apprentices had been given the roles of waiters for the evening, they flitted up and down the long table, pouring wine and serving the food. Released from scrutiny Mistral relaxed slightly and reached out for the goblet of wine in front of her, taking a deep swallow she nearly gagged.

  ‘What?’ Phantasm hissed.

  ‘It’s off!’

  Phantom took a long drink from his own goblet, ‘No it’s not,’ he frowned at her. ‘Maybe Sight has changed your tastes.’

  ‘Oh great,’ she muttered and reached instead for the tumbler of water. ‘I have to listen to all the rubbish in their minds and not even have a drink to numb the tedium!’

  Talking of tedious, look at the expression on Bryden’s face!

  Phantasm’s thought prompted Mistral to look over at Bryden Wolfsnare. His regal features were set in an expression of undisguised boredom while a flushed Mycroft talked enthusiastically at the air just above Bryden’s head. His unfocused gaze swivelled left and right, finally managing to spot one of the apprentices he broke off from boring Bryden to demand more wine only to be brought a glass of water, courtesy of the twins’ subtle intervention. Mistral smiled and took a long drink of water herself while she focussed on his aura, preparing to read him as per her instructions from Leo. Mycroft’s aura erupted above his head in a sunburst of yellow and silver. Mistral barely had time to register the significance of the colours before his thoughts poured into her mind in a deluge of excitement. Mycroft was having a fantastic time. He was drunk, about to enjoy an enormous meal in front of warm fire and had a captive audience keen to listen to him … the Ri’s Divinus!

  Mistral raised her eyebrows and quickly broke the connection. It looked like Leo had another contender for his coveted position. Mycroft’s thoughts had clearly revealed to her that he wasn’t prepared to give up his temporary promotion without a struggle. Seeking a distraction, she gazed along the table, looking for Fabian but before she could find him one of the apprentices appeared beside her with a plate of roasted venison. Suddenly starving; she grabbed for her knife and fork and prepared to attack the biggest slice on her plate. Steam rushed out from the hot meat, filling her nostrils with its rich smell. Suddenly her knife and fork fell to the table with a clatter.

  Phantasm turned to glare at her. Don’t you dare try and eat with your fingers!

  ‘I wouldn’t eat that if you paid me! Did Bernadette cook that? It smells revolting!’ Mistral choked, fighting down the urge to be violently sick.

  Phantom snatched the plate away and Phantasm regarded her with a frown. I think you should go to the Infirmary tomorrow and let Serenity check you over.

  ‘No chance, I’m going home tom
orrow. And can you actually talk to me for a change?’ Mistral muttered under her breath. ‘I look even more of an oddity sat here talking to myself!’

  ‘I apologise.’ Phantasm said aloud. ‘But seriously Mistral, you’ve been off colour for days now.’

  Mistral shrugged and instantly cringed as she caught one of Bryden’s elves watching her exposed cleavage rise and fall with the motion, ‘I’ll see Cain if it continues if you want, but not Serenity,’ she agreed lightly, privately resolving to see neither of them on a medical matter ever again if she could help it.

  ‘Good. Now let’s get back to work. Malachi?’

  Mistral nodded vaguely, but her eyes were once again seeking those of Fabian. She found him, sat talking with Mage Grapple, his beautiful face set in a serious expression. She gazed at him longingly, listening indulgently to his thoughts and smiling at the concentration he was giving to a subject that would have sent her to sleep in seconds.



  Please don’t look at Mage De Winter like that! It’s most unprofessional!

  Mistral started and realised that she had pulled a lock of hair loose and was twirling it through her fingers while she gazed at Fabian, ‘Sorry for looking at my husband,’ she muttered and reluctantly turned her attention back to the matter in hand. Malachi Nox.

  She looked down the table, taking in the faces of the attendees at the banquet. So many different tribes, nationalities and breeds; all gathered in honour of the Divinus. It reminded her of the Festival of the Arcane, only a lot smaller and infinitely more civilised. Everyone present was at pains to be on their best behaviour. The goblin chieftain from the cave tribes of the west was struggling with his knife and fork, the sophisticated dryad sat beside him politely ignoring his efforts whilst surreptitiously dabbing a napkin to his nose to ward off the goblin’s odour. Imperato and Dravite, aloof and silent, were stood at the end of the table nearest to the fire, the two foreign Mages sat silently on either side of them looking awkward and overawed. Mistral was suddenly struck by the fact that apart from her there were no women present, not even Serenity.